Bindi Marc

Recently, I feel like it was the Lord that took the time to explain to me speaking the truth in love. When addressing sin we have to remember we are dealing with someone who has turned to forbidden actions to cope with pain. When rebuking sin, you are necessarily poking at pain (and even trauma). Many of us have developed maladaptive coping mechanisms to address a pain that we feel otherwise unable to process through. The woman who abuses food and embraces gluttony is likely doing that because she is in pain. The man who abuses alcohol and embraces drunkenness is doing that because he is in pain. The one who practices sexual lewdness and embraces sexual immorality is doing that because they are in pain. When confronting sin, we are necessarily confronting pain. And while the pain in others does not change what God's Word has said, the awareness of their pain informs *the way* we share what God has said. Hence, speaking the truth in love. We hold fast to the Word of God and share it with the most gentle touch we can muster... because we are poking at wounds. Open wounds that we know are not yet healed because, well, they (we) are still sinning.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
Ephesians 4:15

I thank God that he has spoken His laws to me in love and has been faithful to pull up every ugly root of sin planted in me. Let's be faithful to admonish one another in love and bring yet more of our Father's sheep into the fold through the truth and love.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16

1 year ago | [YT] | 2,906


Bindi, you are 100% right! As a nurse, I’ve worked with many patients specifically in the area of mental health. There are the torn, cast away members of society that everyone looks down upon. They are the forgotten with medical ailments that progressed from mental coping mechanisms of drug abuse and other maladaptive remedies. But, when you actually sit and talk with them and peel the onion of aggressive behavior, verbal outbursts, they will tell you their story—once they trust you—they will reveal the root of their pain. I’m sometimes amazed on how they seem to wake up each morning. That in itself is God’s grace upon their life. Stay blessed Sis.

1 year ago | 47


Thank you for humbly sharing this correction from the Father. All of us might stand to be gentler, indeed ❤️. Richly blessed by you, sis!

1 year ago | 20


We must be gentle, loving and patient when sharing the word or a rebuke.. People are broken & if we are harsh..we alienate the ones we love. Amen sis!

1 year ago | 54


Beautifully said! Thank you father for providing us wise guidance through your word and through your faithful servants like Bindi. I pray blessings over her, her family and her channel - make it experience exponential growth for Your glory Lord. Amen 🙏

1 year ago (edited) | 12


“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭KJV‬

1 year ago | 8


I have no words after That! Just tears and gratitude!

1 year ago | 2


Amen Amen Amen Thank you Jesus, hallelujah 🙌

1 year ago | 0


Beautifully and truthfully said. This perspective helps me have more compassion for myself and others. Thank you for sharing!

1 year ago | 0


Thank you for sharing bindi! I’ve muttled through how to share a word with those who are engulfed by sin without pushing them further away. Those around me find me very blunt and sometimes pushy with the word . I never thought the pain they are going through needs to be addressed and seen . They must know God can heal that pain along with the sin. Thank you sister

1 year ago (edited) | 3


I’ve barely started following you, and all I have to say to you is, THANK YOU! I needed to read this… It almost made me cry, too. I don’t want to get personal, but this is definitely hits home with my hubby. I need to remember to speak the truth “in love” and be slow to speak and quick to listen… I just think… I don’t know. Gods just funny at telling you what you need to hear… ♥️♥️♥️ …and my sinful butt needed to read THIS. 😂😉

1 year ago | 1


Yes so true!! I love this, great writing! Grace + Truth! Just truth is just plain mean, just Grace isn’t loving enough to tell the truth!

1 year ago | 0


Thank you for sharing what our Lord had placed on your heart. This was much needed.

1 year ago | 2


Amen! ABBA revealed this to me some time ago when dealing with my own family and He continues to bring an awareness of how powerfully true it is when dealing with followers and non followers of Christ. I was pondering this same thing not long ago. Thank you for all of your spot on, sound and encouraging material Bindi 🙏

1 year ago | 0


Hallelujah this could only come from the Lord it is the exact thing he ministered to my spirit

1 year ago | 1


This is an AWESOME WORD.. Thank you

1 year ago | 0


Thank you sister in Christ for that exhortation, definitely something we should always keep in mind.

1 year ago | 4


The Lord has blessed you in communication sister. 🌻❤️ Praise the Lord, and thank you for following this path that has been a great help to me in understanding God's wisdom

1 year ago | 4


That’s a really good point. We need to be gracious with others and with ourselves as God is gracious to us. We can practice graciousness without condoning sin.

1 year ago | 0


Thank you Joyce that’s just what I needed at this time He’s ALWAYS on time ❤️ you much thanks 4 sharing

1 year ago | 0


"Open rebuke is better than secret love" The truth does hurt. Seeking deliverance to cast out demons is vital to our mental and spiritual health

1 year ago | 1