Jay Foreman


Hello! It’s been ages! How are you? You’re looking well. Is that a new jumper?

I said in the last post that I’d eventually get round to telling you what’s caused the long hiatus between videos. Well, I’m very excited to be able to tell you… it was the birth of my son! I’m a daddy now! (He’s awesome thank you and so’s my wife.) So that’s why I’ve been a bit distracted. It turns out, writing, filming and editing videos is a lot faster with a full night’s sleep and the use of both arms.

Anyway, with that dollop of my personal life that you didn’t sign up for out of the way, let me now tell you what it is I’ve been writing and filming and editing, and what things will be coming soon to this channel in the coming months.

1- UNFINISHED LONDON EPISODE 14 - coming on Monday 26th September (or a few days earlier if you're signed up to my Patreon)

2- UNFINISHED LONDON EPISODE 15 (part 2 of episode 14) - coming at some point around the endish of October.

(I’m not telling you what they’re about cos it’s a secret, but if you follow me on Twitter you’ve probably figured it out from all the requests for Tube map stuff. Oops.)


3- MAP MEN SERIES 4 - coming in early 2023!

I’ve coaxed Mark out of his box, and Map Men is coming back! We don’t know yet how many episodes there’ll be - it depends how much writing Mark and I manage to do and how much time we’ll have for filming in the short window before he has to go back in his box - but there’ll be at least one. Hopefully six? Who knows? We’ll let you know when we know.

So that’s all coming in the next few months. Hope you’re excited!

Incidentally, if you don’t follow me on twitter, why not? What’s wrong with my twitter? You tend to find out what I’m up to videowise and gigwise much more quickly on there than on here. (www.twitter.com/jayforeman)

Right! I’m off! See you in just under three weeks, or just under just under three weeks if you’re on my Patreon. Bye now.

2 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 12,488


I hope Jay's son carries this channel on and when he's old makes a series called "Unfinished unfinished London" "Unfinished London was supposed to look like this. But because of him, it now looks like that. That then now him there him what this is the story of a YouTube series planning cockup that happened 20 years ago, and is now on this episode of Unfinished unfinished London".

2 years ago | 333


CONGRATULATIONS JAY! I just became a fan this year around in June and I’m so happy for you what you have accomplished! I cant wait for Map Man (one of my favourite series in the whole times) take it easy buddy! You deserve this break, even if you haven’t been active we will always be there for ya! Again congratulations on your new born baby son, also Welcome back Jay!

2 years ago | 331


Congratulations Jay! Take as much time as you need, I’m so happy for you and your family. Can’t wait for the next episode! Also, unfortunately I can’t follow your Twitter as I avoid that hellsite like the plague 🤣

2 years ago | 159


Congrats Jay, I’m happy to see this new chapter in your life, the next unfinished London will be a masterpiece that defines you. Also, the news on your son is cool aswell

2 years ago | 29


Congratulations! This is truly one of the best map-based pieces of news I’ve had today

2 years ago | 20


Fantastic news, Jay. Completely understand your need for the absence, but equally thrilled to hear your news. Hope it's all going well and look forward to your upcoming projects.

2 years ago | 15


I physically almost spit my lemonade out. Was not expecting that and congrats!

2 years ago | 96


Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Wishing your family all the best. And... Finally, new episodes! So excited!

2 years ago | 5


Congratulations Jay! Been watching for years and years and it's always lovely seeing your face in my feed. Good luck with the writing and all that good stuff! And yes, it is a new jumper. I started a new job yesterday. Big changes for us all!

2 years ago | 4


It's like Christmas when you post!! Thank you Jay and congrats on the new family

2 years ago | 13


Congrats Jay! So happy to see you do so well in life. Thank you for your amazing videos and I CANNOT WAIT FOR MAP MEN!!! Looking forward to this.

2 years ago | 5


Huge congratulations on the birth of your Forebaby, and thank you for blessing us with more videos!

2 years ago | 7


Jay gets a mini-jay, a new unfinished london, a new oversimplified video AND the return of map men? This month is insane

2 years ago | 32


I'm so pleased to hear this blessed news. Oh, and also congrats on becoming a father!

2 years ago | 4


Congratulations! You will be an excellent father. Please, take as long as you need to as your videos are always worth the wait. Look forward to the next ones.

2 years ago | 2


I hope we can expect a lot more of unfinished London. Just so that when the series eventually ends, we can all say, why is "Unfinished London not finished?"

2 years ago | 29


Congratulations. Love your work. Both unfinished London and map men! I know how hard it can be hard to balance a newborn and work. Kudos to you and your spouse. Thanks for all you do.

2 years ago | 1


Congrats Jay! You’ll make a great dad. Keep the vids coming, theyre amazing!

2 years ago | 1


Congratulations Jay. Your videos have given me joy and hope your son brings you much much more joy.

2 years ago | 0


Such a treat, having so much to look forward (however long it takes)! Congrats on your growing family!

2 years ago | 1