Mech Arena Mayer

Vote for the strongest!
Orion has been eliminated and takes 5th place.

Now joining the race is Nomad.
Like Surge, it also boasts maximum speed, an even larger amount of health, and a dash ability.
However, there are significant differences.
Instead of invisibility, we get a substantial reduction in incoming damage for 3 seconds.
Also, unlike the EMP ability that Surge has - similar to Killshot - Nomad's ability deals damage.
Lastly, we can use our dash twice, extending the damage reduction period to 6 seconds. But keep in mind, the same target will not receive damage a second time.
Nomad's main adversaries are Surge and Bastion.

I think it's worth mentioning an important nuance - the ember gun has the ability to cause overheat on targets, which increases their incoming damage... including damage from chain dash. This means that with the help of a legendary damage implant and an ember gun, you can deal 137k damage.

9 months ago | [YT] | 149