I think Lavo goes to Tribal and Rome idols out one of Kishan, Aysha or Genevieve. Teeny is too relevant to be the third boot and Sol has no boot setup. Gata probably goes to Tribal in episode 4 or 5. No idea about Tuku.
4 months ago (edited) | 0
Its not gonna be Anika because sneak peeks and promos usually misleading
4 months ago (edited) | 0
Hopefully someone from red cause most of them are really boring and gamebotty
4 months ago | 0
I want it to be Andy if yellow loses. A small part of me is hoping that Sam would play the idol for Andy and then get blindsided himself and sent home. Anika already mentioned in a confessional that Sam is a threat who has an Idol now. But with the sneak peeks being seen, Anika seems like the most likely target because she just can't seem to stop being so bossy. I wish she'd read the room a little more. If red goes, I hope Rome is delusional enough to not play his idol and then he gets sent home. Otherwise, I think it could be Genevieve or even sadly....Aysha. Aysha has been the main person on red focusing on Rome in her confessionals. As far as we know, she doesn't know for sure if he has an idol, she only suspects he does. Hopefully she can pivot away from him if she finds out for sure that he has one. If BLUE goes to tribal, I can see Kyle or Tiyana getting cut. Kyle because he's on the bottom right now. But I feel like his personality could ingratiate himself back in to the bottom of the majority side, at least. This would leave Tiyana, who is clearly on the bottom of the majority. Things could go sideways for her if Kyle finds an idol or if the other three would rather work with him than her.
4 months ago | 0
The Specialists
Who's going home this week on #Survivor47?
4 months ago | [YT] | 8