Hermoso! It was beautiful, I cried and had to hide it in the theatres to a "restrained" sob Rocket Racoon and Star Lord and Nebula were all amazing on this film and all the rest of the Guardaina and freinds as well but those 3 earned a much higher appreciation for me! ❤
1 year ago | 1
Saw it opening night and what an amazing movie. Brilliant way to wrap up the trilogy. I was on the edge of my seat trying to hold back tears almost 3 times and almost cried a few times. All I can say is if definitely see this film again
1 year ago
| 24
Watching in 3D was a trip; like how they finished the storyline, as well. Spectacular cast and crew for this one
1 year ago | 3
I saw it Thursday night early showing and yesterday with friends . It was absolutely awesome and sad to see all the gaurdians of the galaxy say they’re goodbyes . But I’ll never forget when is new the first movie 9 years ago
1 year ago | 0
So glad to see guardians of the galaxy vol3 yesterday love 💓💓💓 it
1 year ago
| 1
I've Scene It Twice Now. And.. ...if I can help it, (i) have no plans of stopping there.. - Most Likely the Best Conclusion to a Marvel film Ever thus far and the hallway/airlock scrap fest showdown (while cgi overload) is Nonetheless one of the BEST Action Sequences I've EVER Scene..🎨 Reminded me of Oldboy.. ...which is.. ...Obscenely Say It Ain't So Beautifully Nuts.. ...but here we are. - It seems.. ...rather blasphemous but (this film is) now one of my three Favourite; if not one of the three Best Strict Definition SuperHero Films (I've) Ever (Scene). (Logan and The Batman are the other Two. Watchmen and Snyder Cut are in the back seat.
1 year ago (edited) | 0
I'm seeing it Thursday promising myself I'm not gonna cry I'm gonna fail
1 year ago | 0
The Wizard
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is out!
What can I say, a roller coaster of emotions
Check out the soundtrack playlist on my channel
1 year ago | [YT] | 1,183