I missed it because I'm too busy being an overworked wageslave 😔
10 months ago | 8
Grand Rapids, MI- the US-131 highway is nearing the end of its operational lifetime, and there is a plan on the table to not only renovate it, but to expand it at the same time. There is growing opposition to this plan, including from our Strong Towns chapter, who are counter-proposing a "business boulevard" to be built in its stead. Essentially, since the highway will have to be either rebuilt or torn down anyway, this is an incredible opportunity. The highway has done nothing but blight our city for the 60+ years it has existed. People of Shreveport, I sympathize; we are fighting a similar battle.
10 months ago | 0
Thanks for the community post! I wasn't shown this video yet by YouTube 😒
10 months ago | 0
It might just need a better title/thumbnail. Maybe something like, "These US cities were destroyed by highways".
10 months ago | 1
Its in my "Watch Later", but later hasn't arrived just yet...😅
10 months ago | 0
I saw it come up in my subscription feed but to be honest I thought it would be depressing and the reason would probably be related to capitalism so I skipped over it.
10 months ago | 3
During a busy work week I def appreciate a ping on the weekend in case I missed it!
10 months ago | 0
Strong Towns
We shared this video Monday, but it seems to have been lost in the fray. Since less than half of our subscriber count has seen it, I'm going to shamelessly reshare before the weekend just in case you didn't get a chance to watch this important story about Shreveport's decades-long highway boondoggle. Gave this one a new title, let's hope we can reach some more Louisianans!
10 months ago | [YT] | 162