
Send in the (Evil) Clowns

It's official: The Dems have become a coven of religious fanatics. They are single-issue as hell, and the rocket fuel of their satanic cult is the blood of the unborn.

In my new Underground: I cover the unfolding story of the Satanic Temple suing the state of Texas over the "heartbeat law" which, according to the Satanic Temple, violates their First Amendment religious liberty rights.

Yes, you read that right! They consider abortion to be an important religious ritual.

So no wonder Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz as her VP – the first governor in the country to react to the Dobbs decision by signing an executive order enshrining unrestricted abortion as a fundamental right.

No wonder Kamala Harris came to Minnesota to formalize her political alliance with Governor Walz at a very public ceremony inside of a – wait for it! – Planned Parenthood clinic.

Yes, you read that right, too, and it's all in the new Remnant Underground:

Obviously, this is not politics any longer This is the fanatic zealotry of religious extremists and it is for this reason that, also in this Underground, I call upon Donald Trump not to bring a knife to this gunfight.

Trump and the GOP will lose this election if they move any further away from the life and moral issues. You cannot vote Satan down, and you certainly can't appease his minions with compromise!

We also get into the London riots which, thanks to the Global Elites, are the beginning of the worldwide race riots they intend to use to destabilize the world and establish a global police state to restore order.

We Christians can’t let them get away with this, and here’s how we’re going to fight back:

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

P.S. Don’t forget: Karen at YouTube is still restricting our content. No problem. We’ve moved on. But do catch our videos first and completely unedited at our own privately funded platform --

2 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 783