To Teammates: Pick up health packs! Don’t expect many kills! I’ll heal you like my life depends on it!
2 weeks ago | 33
To Rocket players: Learn his mobility strats, I can't state enough that it's his most useful ability, it'll keep you alive from divers and flanks if you know your escape roots. Learn also when to use his revive, although I'm still learning myself, his revive kit is important as it can keep your team alive. I've heard from other youtubers; you can try put it down when you feel like a player is about to die or just hide it creativity. And Learn to use his guns To teammates: he drops shields, make sure to keep an eye on it. That little bit of shield can always be a life saver and because of his healing radius, it's better to have at least four in a group as his healing is best for radius type of fights. If everyone goes in different directions, it gets hard to heal when everyone is scattered. But yeah that's what I've learnt, got gold 3 up with him, hoping to go higher next season 😁
2 weeks ago | 2
Damage buff for punisher does not improve the turret damage. Stop popping turret after I drop your damage buff. Just melt with primary.
2 weeks ago | 20
Don't expect the revive beacon to revive you when you're a backline jumper. Chances are I'm not close enough to you, it's not my fault. (I've had a lot of Iron Fists complain about never getting the revive beacon.)
2 weeks ago | 8
Your healing heals at such a long range there is no reason to be that close to the fight
2 weeks ago | 0
I made it to diamond one tricking rocket. All I have to say is it try and get kills. Be aggressive. I will keep you alive. To the other healer/s on the team. Just heal when people are low… focus on kills as well. I promise I’ll wrack up about 40 k heals all by myself. Now all we need is to gain territory, let’s get aggressive
2 weeks ago | 0
Stop saying we are doing bad when we only have like 11 kills. Rockets stats don’t look good because are kits value comes in the form of revives and assists
2 weeks ago | 3
Every time I have a rocket they either put their rev in the spawn or put it somewhere where it will instantly get destroyed. So please put it somewhere close to the fight but hidden
2 weeks ago | 10
I know my problem is forgetting I have a rocket- when I die, I put my head down in anger for a moment, look up and see me dying again 🙃
2 weeks ago | 0
Rockets value is in his size and rez ability. Move around, pocket one shift ability for an escape, and constantly heal. His gun is more of a poking weapon, so use it to finish off low opponents. Prioritize healing tho
2 weeks ago | 3
Rau we need to start a petition on making rocket a hitscan. I’m tired of getting pushed by a small character and since I don’t play rocket I’m dumb and think fighting is the answer instead of going to my team to kill him and he feels like a worse sojourn
2 weeks ago | 6
I see someone saying rocket mains are anti iron fist healers but there’s something you guys have to understand. Rocket mains won’t go out there way to run and try to heal an iron fist who is trying to 1v3 across the entire map while the rest of the team is on point. The objective comes first at the end of the day not your kd.
2 weeks ago | 7
Please group up and let me heal everybody all at once, if we do that we get a big glowing beacon every fight that makes your dps go very big
2 weeks ago | 0
His hat and goggles looks like Ziggs of League of Legends
2 weeks ago | 0
ROCKET IS AN ANTI IRON FIST HEALER . with his season 1 buff he can absolutely handle the entire team as i usually get an average of 20 k heals with him YOU JUST NEED TO PLAY PINBALL WITH HIM with a little bit of wheres waldo because you are so small you can stand in the middle of a fight and a bad team wont do shit . jetboosts are only to get to point and to get away from dive heros anything else is a waste . . i luv rac <3
2 weeks ago | 2
I don’t main him but have some new players who do trying to get better. They say they want to know how best to still contribute with damage despite him primarily just having to shoot healing balls.
2 weeks ago | 0
If you complain about my kd, then dont complain when you are fighting their backline and i cant heal you because a LACK OF SIGHT LINES
2 weeks ago | 0
What is ONE THING you want the ENTIRE community to know about playing with a Rocket main on your team?
How they use or don’t use your abilities, limitations of your hero, what heroes give you issues that you need help w/ etc
2 weeks ago | [YT] | 114