I was born & raised in Indonesia, so tempe is my basic staple. Now since I went vegetarian (20+ years), living in Sweden I'm glad I still managed to find tempe. And I have a close friend here who just started a tempe factory, and it looks like her bussines is going to have a bright future.
1 month ago | 25
I don't get the western hate of Tempe in saying it's a "hip new thing"/"meat substitute", it's a very traditional Ingredient, there's a lot of dishes that feature tempe like Sayur Lodeh another Vegan-Vegetarian Indonesian dish a curry like dish that also includes Tempe, or Semur Tahu Tempe, a colonial era dish that features spices from all over the archipelago that is prominent in Nasi Uduk a Betawi breakfast staple which usually is Vegan if you avoid the Egg, it's shouldn't be hated because people can't turn it into a mock chicken nugget or burgers 🤷🏽
1 month ago | 111
Oh man I've tried to get tempeh here in germany and its nowhere to be found, but now you've awakened my curiosity again
1 month ago | 10
I’m not vegan but I love your videos because it doesn’t look only delicious but it’s also very informative and I love how you always give credits to the original culture ✨
1 month ago | 1
That said, it & other places where Indian religious scriptures are applied or at least are a sway are notably easier to go by specialized living such as (especially 'perfect') veganism than other places outside the first world countries, especially outside of big city areas. This is why veganism & other kinds of specialized living are generally a first world luxury barring said places influenced by Indian religious scripture, & why home kitchens are a boon to such living styles when traveling abroad
1 month ago | 2
I love the traditional ways to eat tempe. It’s common in Malaysia get fried tofu and tempeh with nasi ayam penyet, a chicken and rice dish
1 month ago | 0
Tempe mendoan, deep fried extra thin with sweet soy sauce dipping. Not the healtiest food but I just cannot stop eating it. 😅
1 month ago | 1
It's the food for the poor, now thanks to the West! I can feel being rich
1 month ago | 0
Orek tempe, cut it into square and make it super sweet with sweet soy sauce, add palm sugar if it's not sweet enough and chili for the heat. Very good with rice, or if you live alone you can just snack on them.
1 month ago | 3
You can make many kinds of dishes out of tempeh but it is normally served as fried tempeh here in Indonesia which is the simplest way to cook it. If you want it look fancy then you can make tempeh burger
1 month ago | 0
I feel that adding beans destroys the overall flavour of the dish. With such long cuts, even more so..
1 month ago | 0
Have you ever wondered how tempeh is traditionally eaten?
Tempeh may be known as a modern vegan food, but it has deep roots in Indonesian food culture. Tempe Orek is the perfect way to appreciate it in all its glory, and a traditional recipe that converted me to finally like tempeh. Sweet, tangy and spicy… it’s an absolute flavour sensation.
Full recipe: bakinghermann.com/bean-tempe-orek-indonesian-stir-…
1 month ago | [YT] | 1,237