Salem Techsperts

I've been getting so many emails from thumbnail creators that make the same type of oversaturated, weird cartoon looking 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 clickbait garbage that's flooding YouTube. So please, if you make these types of thumbnails, stop emailing me. It's nothing personal, I just value my integrity and don't want to contribute to the Mr. Beastification of YouTube. I enjoy the old YouTube. The Louis Rossmann YouTube of some stressed out guy yelling into a camera for 30 minutes. The Indigo Traveler YouTube where I follow a guy around some sketchy area wondering if he's going to get robbed. The Gamers Nexus YouTube where I learn more in 20 minutes than I have in 20 years. I'm well aware my thumbnails are terrible, since they are just frames taken from the video itself. If someone can make some better thumbnails, I'm all emails. But the day I make the 😱 face in a thumbnail is the day I hang up the toothbrush. That's my rant for the day. Have a wonderful week everyone!

2 months ago | [YT] | 10,475