The Anthony RR Mills Show

Nora Ames has become a very polarizing figure in the ex-Scientology world. If the aim of ex-Scientologists is to get people out of the CoS, keep people from joining the CoS, and to ultimately destroy the CoS, or at least have the tax-exempt status revoked, are the recent (last year) actions of various ex-Scientologists really working to achieve those aims? Or are their online and offline behaviors and actions actually just serving to create chaos in the community, which simply serves to help the CoS? So, is Nora Ames helping to destroy the CoS?

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 20


Nora has gone off the rails. She is coming across as a vindictive harpy on a witch hunt against ASL (who has no character himself) and I fail to see how she is helping the cause by doing that.

3 weeks ago | 4  


I honestly say a pox on most of their houses. So many ex-scientologists have created such a toxic environment over the last year, causing many to lose interest.

4 weeks ago | 8  


I don’t think she is playing into anyone’s hands. But, she certainly isn’t helping the situation🤷‍♀️

3 weeks ago | 8  


No longer interested in her. Plenty of other's I can respect. Moving on. ✌🏼

3 weeks ago | 7  


Nora has woken up to toxic abuses by ASL. She has apologised for her role in enabling him. She should be given a second chance. Her content is very educational and she is highlighting traits of a narcissist.

4 weeks ago | 16  


Aaron is probably COS

4 weeks ago | 7  


She helps in spreading information about the misdeeds and abuses pf the church. If this will help destroying it, we will have tp wait and see.

3 weeks ago | 4  


I don't nora seriously. She's bad and toxic. She's not helping or hurting too much. But she is giving a lot of ex scios a bad reputation. Not all of them are like her so there it's damaging alas

4 weeks ago | 7