Vote for the strongest! Panther has been eliminated and takes 7th place. Now joining us is the second from the S Tier category - Eclipse. I think there's no need to talk much about the usefulness of these mechs - I literally use them in every video. We all know that our main enemy is bots that have instant reaction, 100% accuracy, and a full view of everything around. Plus, add to that their coordination, where all bots will target you and ignore your allied bots. So, invisibility reduces this priority and adds a great chance of them missing their shots at you. Equally important is immunity to effects; you can no longer be paralyzed, slowed down, overheated, blinded, and significantly, you are resistant to Graviton Beam. Because the charge will not accumulate and explode.
Mech Arena Mayer
Vote for the strongest!
Panther has been eliminated and takes 7th place.
Now joining us is the second from the S Tier category - Eclipse.
I think there's no need to talk much about the usefulness of these mechs - I literally use them in every video.
We all know that our main enemy is bots that have instant reaction, 100% accuracy, and a full view of everything around. Plus, add to that their coordination, where all bots will target you and ignore your allied bots.
So, invisibility reduces this priority and adds a great chance of them missing their shots at you.
Equally important is immunity to effects; you can no longer be paralyzed, slowed down, overheated, blinded, and significantly, you are resistant to Graviton Beam. Because the charge will not accumulate and explode.
10 months ago | [YT] | 141