When I was younger living in TX... I heard them but never seen them, wasn't very often tho.
3 months ago | 0
I haven't seen a ghost but I've had encounters with several over the years.
3 months ago | 2
WIFE: Honey, mom's here MOM-IN-LAW: What's wrong? As if you've seen a ghost HUSBAND: You have no idea
3 months ago | 1
I was about 9 years old when I woke during the night and sitting on the bottom of my bed who I had never seen before in my life, what shocks me to this day is I had absolutely no fear whatsoever, the man turned out to be my grandfather who passed away when I was just 2 or 3 years old from cancer hence why I didn’t know him because I was so young when I saw his alive, but 2 years later I went to stay with my grandmother for a little while and, on my nans fireplace was a photo of a old man standing in the back garden with a black dog, I said to my grandmother, Nan who is this man and she said, Stevie that’s my late husband your grandfather and I just couldn’t believe it, it was the same man dressed in exactly the same clothes that was sitting on the bottom of my bed two years earlier, and that’s the only time that I have a full apparition, I have seen things but not a full human apparition unfortunately but I have heard spirits all my life and now I’m 62 years old, I seriously believe that I am a spiritual empath for some reason.
3 months ago | 0
Yeah, someone else in the house leaving lights on and the refrigerator open.
3 months ago | 0
New video tomorrow. It's not spooky themed so here's a Octoberish fact 👻👻
3 months ago | [YT] | 55