Hey Everyone! Sorry for the delay with the Through The Lenses Video featuring the META QUEST 3, but everything... well... got very tricky.
After shooting at the beginning of the week, as I wasn't super happy with the results, I decided to scrap everything thinking I could finish the video for today, but yeah... about that... I got extra sick with a stomach bug all week, raw fish, it wasn't pretty let's say XD
Now I'm finally back 100% but tomorrow we have our little Zacky's Baptism, so there is no way in hell I'll work again this weekend :)
Early next week we'll start with the juicy comparisons, for now, here is a little taste of the Q2 - QPro - Q3 one, and of course, enjoy the Weekend :)
Stay tuned!!!
Tyriel Wood - VR Tech
Hey Everyone! Sorry for the delay with the Through The Lenses Video featuring the META QUEST 3, but everything... well... got very tricky.
After shooting at the beginning of the week, as I wasn't super happy with the results, I decided to scrap everything thinking I could finish the video for today, but yeah... about that... I got extra sick with a stomach bug all week, raw fish, it wasn't pretty let's say XD
Now I'm finally back 100% but tomorrow we have our little Zacky's Baptism, so there is no way in hell I'll work again this weekend :)
Early next week we'll start with the juicy comparisons, for now, here is a little taste of the Q2 - QPro - Q3 one, and of course, enjoy the Weekend :)
Stay tuned!!!
1 year ago | [YT] | 209