Perhaps much of my patriotism and gratitude for the good of this country comes from my current career as unionized construction worker. Yes this country is deep in Babylonian ecumenical paganism but so was Egypt during the times of Joseph, Babylon during the times of Daniel, Rome during the times of Yahusha Messiah and Paul the Apostle and the Persistent Widow spoke of in Yahusha's parable (Luke 18), but none of those great men refrained from engaging in the good that existed in their countrys government. The call to be salt and light is not just for our churches, congregations, synagogues or home fellowships but ever sphere of our lives (social, economic and political). "In all that you do" is not excluding your political or governmental influence. Colossians 3:23-24 23 Whatever you do, work at it from the soul, as for the Lord and not for people. 24 For you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as a reward. It is to the Lord Messiah you are giving service.
Devoted To Yah
Perhaps much of my patriotism and gratitude for the good of this country comes from my current career as unionized construction worker. Yes this country is deep in Babylonian ecumenical paganism but so was Egypt during the times of Joseph, Babylon during the times of Daniel, Rome during the times of Yahusha Messiah and Paul the Apostle and the Persistent Widow spoke of in Yahusha's parable (Luke 18), but none of those great men refrained from engaging in the good that existed in their countrys government. The call to be salt and light is not just for our churches, congregations, synagogues or home fellowships but ever sphere of our lives (social, economic and political). "In all that you do" is not excluding your political or governmental influence.
Colossians 3:23-24
23 Whatever you do, work at it from the soul, as for the Lord and not for people. 24 For you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as a reward. It is to the Lord Messiah you are giving service.
3 months ago | [YT] | 28