I've got two very big videos releasing soon. It's been awhile since I've posted and the delay is because these projects require much more work than usual. First up, I'll be tackling the white paper that Call of Duty released about matchmaking and ping. Then I have a larger, near documentary style video about the recent website bans in Texas. This will be a big departure from the normal topics we cover on this channel but will hopefully still be enlightening and entertaining. This is also probably the best place to squeeze in any mini health updates. Right now I'm stable but still pretty sick and planning to start a pretty intense antibiotic regimen before the end of the week. Really hoping it makes me better and doesn't make it any harder to produce content.
I've got two very big videos releasing soon. It's been awhile since I've posted and the delay is because these projects require much more work than usual. First up, I'll be tackling the white paper that Call of Duty released about matchmaking and ping. Then I have a larger, near documentary style video about the recent website bans in Texas. This will be a big departure from the normal topics we cover on this channel but will hopefully still be enlightening and entertaining. This is also probably the best place to squeeze in any mini health updates. Right now I'm stable but still pretty sick and planning to start a pretty intense antibiotic regimen before the end of the week. Really hoping it makes me better and doesn't make it any harder to produce content.
10 months ago | [YT] | 441