Achievement Hunter

Hey everyone! As mentioned a few months ago, we have continued to work on migrating site-specific and FIRST-exclusive content onto their associated YouTube channels. As of today, we will be publishing several shows on the Achievement Hunter channel! Major thanks to many behind-the-scenes individuals who helped tag and move this content: Adam, Brendan, Chelsea, Nankai, Danni, Rodrigo, Pat, Murphy, and Colin!

Today you will start to see AH Predicts, CHUMP: Chump Change, Achievement Hunter Stream Archive, Off Topic: Last Call and Role Initiative, but with more to come! There are certain shows that are going to be released weekly, such as AH Wrestling and The Weird Place. While it may be older content, it was once FIRST-exclusive or site-specific and made to be released weekly. We hope y’all get the opportunity to watch and love it all over again. Thank you!

1 month ago | [YT] | 4,992


It will never be the same without yall, thank you for over a decade of laughs and joy

1 month ago | 392  


Miss y’all.

1 month ago | 446  


youre heroes for this. thank you to everyone working so hard to preserve media like this

1 month ago | 236  


Thanks for the years of entertainment. AH and RT helped me through some really tough times by making me laugh when I felt really down. Moonball!

1 month ago | 145  


Thank you so much for working to preserve this. RT and AH have been a major part of my life since I was 12 and have been so impactful and important that it’s partly shaped who I am. I’ll miss you all, but the memories will last forever.

3 weeks ago | 3


Thank you for all the years and memories!

1 month ago | 3


I still rewatch old stuff all the time. You guys got me through a lot back in the day

1 month ago | 45  


Thank you for putting all this stuff on YT for us to enjoy for years to come! I wish you guys were still around, but memories from these shows are a lot better than nothing!

1 month ago | 5


Miss you guys. Yall will forever be one of the best channels on YouTube. Thank you for all that you guys have done over the years good luck with all future endeavors

1 month ago | 34  


You guys are the best, the internet will never be the same without you! Thanks for the years worth of laughs and memories, we appreciate every single one of you!

1 month ago | 62  


Even from beyond the grave you continue to give to the fans even when it isn't expected. Miss you AH.

1 month ago | 5


Hope Haunter gets this treatment one day, that's the (First-Exclusive) show I've rewatched the most in the past

1 month ago | 15


You guys probably won't read this, but thank you all for being so inspirational to young media wannabes like myself. I had be watching your content since I was a small child and you guys were what inspired me to go to college for film and TV production, in hopes that maybe one day I could intern or work at roosterteeth one day. I'm 25 now and finally accomplished my dream and moved to austin. While working alongside my childhood entertainers isn't an option anymore, thank you all for the motivation and inspiration you guys gave me to go after my goals and try to entertain the masses. Love you guys, thank you for everything!

1 month ago (edited) | 5  


Achievement Hunter was such a big part of my teens, thank you for doing everything you can to keep that content alive and accessible.

1 month ago | 7


As someone who had only become a First Member during the start of the 2020 Lockdown, with ironically a limited time to consume bc of Young Mommy Duties, I had missed out on being able to sit down and watch a lot of RT past stuff that i had no time to catch up on. Thank you guys for this. ♡

1 month ago (edited) | 11


Thank you for one of the greatest childhoods a nerd could ask for. Wish my son had guys like the og ah crew. Godspeed rt.

1 month ago | 1


Thank you for bringing it all over, even if it is slowly. So much I never saw as a kid because I couldn't afford it. It'll be awesome to see the stuff I've wondered about and see "new" ah content for a little bit longer. Love you guys forever and LONG LIVE RT!

1 month ago | 5  


I cried so much when everything was ending. Thank for helping making my childhood and teenage and young adult life so much enjoyable and happy. Thank you ah crew.

1 month ago | 0


There's so much I have missed due to either not being FIRST or just having so much content to consume that I fell behind so getting new(to me) AH content post company shut down has me ready to cry. I miss you guys but thank you for what you're doing here. AH forever 💚

1 month ago | 2  


Thank you guys for all the work that you do, even though it isn't required of you. Sharing the love of website exclusive shows with the youtube frogs brings this frog joy

1 month ago | 19