Conversations That Matter

If you talk a lot about the importance of natural relationships, but your primary in group preference is for internet group chats, you might have online derangement syndrome.

If you don’t have your wife’s respect but you spend time policing what random women online do and say, you might have online derangement syndrome.

If an organization you’ve never been a member of which holds no authority over you is your primary enemy and can do no right, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If you consider yourself an expert on anything because you listened to podcasts and read X threads, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If your anon account is more based than you are, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If you have multiple anon accounts on one platform, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If members of your family must regularly wait for you to put your phone down to be acknowledged, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If you want to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy because of some memes you saw, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

Know some of the signs of IDS and get help if you have it!

4 days ago | [YT] | 154