I've decided to keep the channel up for as long as YouTube's copyright bots will allow it. In celebration of that, I've taken down Overdrawn At The Memory Bank... because I was finally able to source the laserdisc and transfer+retouch that, so you should see that pop up in 24 hours. It looks fantastic.
I spent a few days trying to upscale it to 4K using a machine learning AI GANS network, and while some parts turned out great, other parts came out looking like a lovecraftian nightmare. So no "HD/4K" version of this, sorry, you'll just have to view it at the original laserdisc's detail level.
Generation X Video Archive
I've decided to keep the channel up for as long as YouTube's copyright bots will allow it. In celebration of that, I've taken down Overdrawn At The Memory Bank... because I was finally able to source the laserdisc and transfer+retouch that, so you should see that pop up in 24 hours. It looks fantastic.
I spent a few days trying to upscale it to 4K using a machine learning AI GANS network, and while some parts turned out great, other parts came out looking like a lovecraftian nightmare. So no "HD/4K" version of this, sorry, you'll just have to view it at the original laserdisc's detail level.
2 years ago | [YT] | 18