Paavo Kaleva

It has been busy summer and autumn is continuing to be busy. But I still have managed to fit in some time to shoot airguns. At the beginning of summer I started to shoot 30- and 40-yard challenges (from Airgunnation forum). It is quite challenging discipline and I like it. A lot.

Started with my Snowpeak P35 followed by AGT Vulcan 3, AirMaks Arms KRAiT L and my tweaked FX Dreamline and Maverick mix.

Results are in the pictures (in two posts).
In this post: Snowpeak P35 and results; AGT Vulcan 3 and results; AirMaks Arms KRAiT L.
In previous post: KRAiT results; FX Dreamline and results.

FX Dreamline performed surprisingly powerful - kicking out 38fpe out of .177. With ZAN 20gr slugs. During shooting 30-yard challenge one slug went through almost-2-inch thick backstop (dry pine board). Pictures in the next (older) post that follows this one in timeline (from newest to oldest).

4 months ago | [YT] | 0