It has been busy summer and autumn is continuing to be busy. But I still have managed to fit in some time to shoot airguns. At the beginning of summer I started to shoot 30- and 40-yard challenges (from Airgunnation forum). It is quite challenging discipline and I like it. A lot.
Started with my Snowpeak P35 followed by AGT Vulcan 3, AirMaks Arms KRAiT L and my tweaked FX Dreamline and Maverick mix.
Results are in the pictures (in two posts). In this post: Snowpeak P35 and results; AGT Vulcan 3 and results; AirMaks Arms KRAiT L. In previous post: KRAiT results; FX Dreamline and results.
FX Dreamline performed surprisingly powerful - kicking out 38fpe out of .177. With ZAN 20gr slugs. During shooting 30-yard challenge one slug went through almost-2-inch thick backstop (dry pine board). Pictures in the next (older) post that follows this one in timeline (from newest to oldest).
Paavo Kaleva
It has been busy summer and autumn is continuing to be busy. But I still have managed to fit in some time to shoot airguns. At the beginning of summer I started to shoot 30- and 40-yard challenges (from Airgunnation forum). It is quite challenging discipline and I like it. A lot.
Started with my Snowpeak P35 followed by AGT Vulcan 3, AirMaks Arms KRAiT L and my tweaked FX Dreamline and Maverick mix.
Results are in the pictures (in two posts).
In this post: Snowpeak P35 and results; AGT Vulcan 3 and results; AirMaks Arms KRAiT L.
In previous post: KRAiT results; FX Dreamline and results.
FX Dreamline performed surprisingly powerful - kicking out 38fpe out of .177. With ZAN 20gr slugs. During shooting 30-yard challenge one slug went through almost-2-inch thick backstop (dry pine board). Pictures in the next (older) post that follows this one in timeline (from newest to oldest).
4 months ago | [YT] | 0