Wiltshire Tutorials

Hey everyone, 👋

Just want to provide a quick update on where I'm at for new content. I unfortunately got COVID on Dec. 31st (I was doing so well at avoiding it up until this point!) and have just now recovered (mostly) from it. Although, it has left some lingering issues that are making things difficult. To mention a few of the side effects; brain fog, body aches, fatigue and no sense of taste or smell. I've attempted to record, but the brain fog and fatigue are making the recording process really difficult. I can't remember my lines/script too well, nor do I have the energy to set-up everything to record. I'm going to keep on pushing to try and get some content out for January.

I want to kick things into overdrive for the 2023. I want to record and upload more content and I want to make that push to obtaining the Silver Play Button (100K subs). I'm experimenting with different formats that are easier to record and ones that I can quickly put together to fill in the gaps in between my more scripted and edited videos. I hope you all like the ideas I've come up with, when the times comes.

Until then, just know that I am working on things. Unfortunately, I had a wrench thrown into all the plans I had to start the new year off with consistent content and make that final push to the Silver Play Button. But, this is a minor setback and we'll get there! 😀

2 years ago | [YT] | 12