White Sparrow Living - Luke 12:6

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
-Isaiah 5:20
I think we all knew this season was coming but, for me, it doesn’t make it any easier to watch as the evil unfolds before my very eyes. 😢
Looking for the “messages” (plural-God is a major multitasker! ) in every “mess” has always been a priority in my life and while I’m not privy to the exact view my mom has from Heaven, Jesus’s timing, His mercy, and when He brought her home is not lost on me. 🙏
The world is in utter chaos and blind confusion which is why our prayers are so important right now! 🙏
Romans 12:21 tells us to, “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”.
One of the greatest gifts Jesus gave us was His PEACE and activating that evasive fruit can be a challenge if we are not “armored up”!
I’m sure many of us are stirring in our Spirit when we see the blatant mockery and open displays of evil showcased and even praised on virtually every screen we spend our time looking at these days.
But in order to combat this darkness, we have to BE THE LIGHT and that starts within the pages of the Word.
Open your Bibles BEFORE opening your phones. (I’m preaching to myself, too, my friends!) Pray for our families, our country, and our world BEFORE turning on the television. Pray for the lost souls on your screen because they also have a chance for conversion of heart, just like we all did and still do! ❤️
This is just a fraction of what it means to “armor up” and make no mistake, our world IS at war with evil and we are God’s soldiers of Love. ❤️
Pray fervently, pray often, pray with your whole heart, and pray for our enemies.
That’s how we honor and save the Kingdom of God!
Xoxo God is Love! ❤️ Be the Light! 💡
Post your prayers and petitions in the comments below. Once you have prayed for someone else, give them a THUMBS UP 👍 so they are encouraged knowing they have prayers ascending on their behalf. Come back throughout the next 2 weeks to pray for those who have posted since your last visit. God bless this little sparrow’s nest of prayer warriors. 🕊️ I love every one of you! ❤️❤️❤️

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