Grizzly Alaska

People often ask me if i know the bears are dangerous. Yes, i do. They think I might be crazy They also say its good I've done my homework. it's not really homework. I've just got a lot of experience. Especially with the mothers on this river. Over the last decade, I've had a lot more problems with boars and subadults than I have moms. I have exactly zero incidents with mothers because im cautious and make good judgment calls. I've had many mothers use us as babysitters while we shot photos and video. People lean way too much on the myth that these animals are unpredictable. These guys are super predictable so long as you don't spook them. It's a complicated affair out here guiding with dangerous animals all around. People like to boil down the truth when, in reality, the entire subject of animal behavior is just very complicated and tedious to try to understand. I should probably do more videos talking about these bears, but that's not what pays the bills. Guiding these trips is how I make a living for now, so while I'd love to complex animal behavior breakdowns getting into the nitty gritty, there just isn't a niche for it. It's obscure and easier for people to believe, "they're unpredictable." It's not really the case, but the truth is a difficult thing to show when you're looking through a phone instead of living out here. So I'll leave you all with this. Animal behavior is about pattern recognition. Watch anything long enough patterns emerge. These bears are easy because their habituated to people, focused on the salmon, in caloric surplus, and they perceive other bears/large game as too much of a threat to prey or compete with when the risk of injury is so much higher than fishing for salmon. Obviously, yes, there is an element of unpredictability to animals but with these guys it's small and tempered by experience in my case. As always I try to make good decisions and keep our guests safe above all else. Never putting yourself in situations is definitely the best way to avoid risk, but what's life without a bit of risk aye? Safe travels guys. Thanks for the warm and honest comments. You all have a blessed day, night, or whatever time it is where you're at. Best wishes

1 year ago | [YT] | 206