Would you all believe me if I said that I've stayed awake since posting this, and as a result, the backbone of the first script is already largely complete? I sure hope you enjoy shorter videos as much as the last one. Have a great rest of the week, everyone.
9 months ago | 3
Nobody is more deserving of our support. Small content creator spread your wings and make the content you love! We patiently await the next one 😎
9 months ago
| 3
I'm not exactly a big blowout Youtuber myself, and you haven't asked for advice. But I watched and enjoyed your Chao video and was hoping to give some (unsolicited) advice. Obviously the point would be to improve my personal viewing experience - but ideally that would mean an overall improvement for the quality of videos and other people's experience as well, thus a boon to the channel. I think you could cut the part in your opening about "this won't be that type of high-energy, read-too-fast video that everyone does". We'll all find that out very soon and it's much more easily "shown" than told. It doesn't need per-emptive defense or justification. People who want that will stick around and won't complain. People who don't want that are at odds with what you want for the channel so it's unlikely you'll please them anyway. The other thing was that you sometimes reduce the audio level when you're "talking to yourself" instead of the audience, or at that one point where you have that big "train of thought". Please don't reduce the audio levels there. I actually want to hear what you're saying. Things like tone and pacing and the language used are more effective at communicating that you're "talking to yourself" in those moments, the audio level changes I personally think are more disruptive than helpful. anyways those are just some thoughts I had, hopefully it's appreciated to some extent. If not then my bad for the unnecessary comment! Wishing you the best and looking forward to the next vid either way.
9 months ago
| 0
Poll's snapshotted and closed; over 100 of you voted, and many people genuinely caught me off-guard with the sentiment of "not being opposed to covering material that's been covered in-depth for years already." I'm going to keep this in mind now that I know many people's feelings on it... But for now the Top 2 majority voted subjects to be covered are:
A glitch only a monster would use, and an overview of the SA2B Mods I've used and/or recommend on PC!
Thanks to all who voted, commented, or reached out elsewhere. These two projects will be much shorter (I hope), and should BOTH be released before mid-August, pending unforeseen catastrophe.
9 months ago | [YT] | 26