Experience a tale where the real meets the surreal! Watch 'Next, Please', directed by Rishav Kapoor, written and produced by Chaitanya Tamhane, starring Jim Sarbh, Shreya Dhanwanthary, and Shardul Bharadwaj, only on the Royal Stag Barrel Select Shorts YouTube channel. Stay tuned!
Royal Stag Barrel Select Shorts
Experience a tale where the real meets the surreal! Watch 'Next, Please', directed by Rishav Kapoor, written and produced by Chaitanya Tamhane, starring Jim Sarbh, Shreya Dhanwanthary, and Shardul Bharadwaj, only on the Royal Stag Barrel Select Shorts YouTube channel. Stay tuned!
#NextPlease #ForTheSelectOnes #RoyalStagBarrelSelectShorts
2 days ago | [YT] | 74