I HATE censorship, I truly do. Yet when I have fake Christians or outright pagans coming to my channel to spread lies about the Christian faith, I have to put my foot down and kick them and their ridiculous off my channel. They are welcome to spread their fake Christianity on their own channel, but not mine. I'm passionate about this because there are so very few true Christian YT channels that I don't want ANY leaven on my channel. Thanks.
Ashkenazi Christian
I HATE censorship, I truly do. Yet when I have fake Christians or outright pagans coming to my channel to spread lies about the Christian faith, I have to put my foot down and kick them and their ridiculous off my channel. They are welcome to spread their fake Christianity on their own channel, but not mine. I'm passionate about this because there are so very few true Christian YT channels that I don't want ANY leaven on my channel. Thanks.
1 year ago | [YT] | 8