Jay Foreman


There’s good news for those of you who followed the instructions at the end of the last video and have not moved in nearly two months…. The thrilling conclusion of the Tube Map themed twology, episode 15 of Unfinished London overall, is coming very VERY soon!!

Interestingly (if you’re interested) this twology was originally supposed to be just one episode, but, as so often happens on this channel, it ballooned in size during the writing process and became so unwieldy we had to chop it in two. With the split being for logistic reasons rather than artistic ones, the break comes at a rather arbitrary halfway point in the story, chosen only because it makes both episodes the same length.

We did go through both scripts to make sure they still stand on their own, crowbarring an extra outro and intro where they belong, but for the optimum storytelling experience, with a satisfyingly balanced beginning, middle and end, we recommend watching part 1 followed immediately by part 2, with a gap of, say, no more than about 8 seconds.


What should we call part 2? YouTube videos these days have got two titles, really: The actual title and the text in the thumbnail. We can’t decide which way round this episode’s titles should be. Which do YOU prefer….?

“The Tube Map is rubbish now”
(thumbnail text = “What went wrong?”)

“What went wrong with the Tube Map?”
(thumbnail text = “rubbish!”)

Vote now by replying A or B.

(YouTube doesn't let you do a poll *AND* a photo at the same time??! Boy, if I had $44 billion.....)

Anyway, many, many, and many thanks again for your continued subscribership. If you're also on my Patreon you'll see the episode earlier than everybody else, **AND** there will be a whole lot of extra special secret behind the scenes stuff and coming very also soon indeed after the episode. Hope you like the episode!

Bestest wishes,


1 year ago | [YT] | 6,938