Project Life Mastery

I believe that I’m an idiot.

Now… for the record, I also believe that I’m intelligent, creative and capable of anything I set my mind to.

However, by holding the belief that “I’m an idiot” as partial truth, it keeps me humble.

And that’s good thing.

The reality is, I’ve done idiotic things in my life, as I’m sure everyone else has.

I’m an imperfect being. Flawed. I come up short to the glory of God and I’m not naive enough to believe that my future won’t entail mistakes.

I’m obsessed with reading, studying, learning… investing hours everyday to gain knowledge and become better.

However, the more that I learn… the more that I realize that there’s SO MUCH that I don’t know.

I’d be a fool to arrogantly believe that I know everything or am smarter than I really am.

Having confidence is good, but arrogance only gets you in trouble.

I always consider the possibility that I COULD be wrong. I don’t hold absolute truth - no one does.

I know what I know.

I know what I don’t know.

And most importantly, I don’t know what I don’t know.

This keeps me hungry, open-minded and flexible to always continue learning. I’ll always remain a student.

Now, I should clarify that this doesn’t mean that I’m beating myself up, judging myself as an idiot and walking around with low self-esteem.

Believing that I’m an idiot just ensures that I remain humble, and don’t buy my own bullshit (which we’re all capable of).

Socrates once said: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

📷 @tony_taafe

3 years ago | [YT] | 903