
Hey GaMers: GaMetal May Madness 2024 (I really should've called this GaMaytal...) is approaching, but this time... we have a twist!

For those unfamiliar with our annual May Madness event: every May since 2015, I've gone back and re-covered some of my older remixes. As I continue to polish my skills in multiple avenues over time, I do this to spruce up some of my older arrangements that I feel could use a fresh coat of paint.

But after doing this for nearly 10 years, we've ran into a bit of a problem: I'm running out of older songs to remake! I've also been a bit reluctant to make GaMetal songs from 2015 onward eligible for this event, as I feel they are passable enough to either not condone a remake, or make a remaster instead (such as the bonus tracks from the mainline GaMetal albums and the VI: Reignited album).

So this year, we're CHANGING UP THE FORMULA.

While revamping older songs previously made up the core of May Madness tracks, there's always been another huge chunk of eligible songs that I've slowly been doing more and more of every year: songs that have only made an appearance in medleys.

And from what I've been able to gather from the votes over the last few years, a lot of you have been more interested in these songs as well. So this year, the focus is entirely on making full versions of songs that have only had a medley iteration in the GaMetal library.

For this year's form, we'll be looking at our 6 most recent console medleys: DS Medley, SNES Medley 2, GameCube Medley, PSX Medley, N64 Medley and GameBoy Advance Medley. You can pick up to three songs from each of these medleys that you'd most like to see a full version of. Just to clarify: that's up to three PER medley, so that's up to 18 votes for the entire form!

➡️ You can fill out the form here: ⬅️

I'll be taking a hard look at the songs with the most requests, and you'll be seeing many of them coming to you this May!

This form will close on the afternoon of April 24th to prepare for the upcoming event. Happy Voting! 🙂

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 837