I have been such a fan for quite a while now ..I never miss a video .Think I have watched about every video..I love that you teach us!! I am 64 and learn something new from every video! I absolutely love your Pantry Chat and longer videos! You set my mind to really thinking about what's possible where I am in Florida..Please keep up all your beautifully amazing work ! And keep teaching!! Even when or if I should say It's something I wouldn't be doing ..I still like learning about it.when I hear someone say about that subject ..here I know a video that can show you that and lead them to your video.. Also love seeing your mom and dad y'all have such a beautiful family relationship!
1 year ago | 0
When /what is your timeline for having your farm? What kind of farm? What size do you want to start at? Love your channel and love your monthly chat. Keep it coming girl!!!
1 year ago | 4
I bet we all would love to have a cookbook with some of your favorite recipes because you cook amazingly
1 year ago | 28
First thought, can we be neighbors? I can see you becoming a daughter by another mother in minutes…lol I have several questions…When you get your first deer, are you going to process it yourself? Do you like to read and if so what is your favorite genre? What are you reading now? Where do you see yourself in five/ten years? I love that your channel focuses on small space gardening, there are not many that do, and it has been such a blessing to me to learn from someone who is in a similar situation. (I have 5 GreenStalks). I do have raised beds in my back yard and I learned how to can this year. I love seeing my pantry grow. I just love your channel and look forward to all that you give us. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family.
1 year ago | 0
I absolutely LOVE your channel. You inspire me every single time I watch you. My question is, of all that you do, growing, preserving, etc. what is the one thing you are still struggling with? Mine is making sure I get everything preserved in some form. I always manage to have something go bad before I get to it. It's not time management....I always have lofty goals and sometimes my fibromyalgia gets in the way. So I guess in reality my struggle is really expecting too much of myself. I want to be able to do the things I could just a few years ago. Anyway, may y'all have a very Merry Christmas!
1 year ago | 2
I truly enjoy your videos! I’m a single mom of two. Apartment living. Would love to get started with my own patio garden and preserving. What would you suggest be the best way for a beginner to start with types of patio plants? Preserving? Essentially, I’m asking for a beginners guide for city homesteading, so to speak. Thank you!
1 year ago | 5
I just wish that we could be bffs!! I'm a farmgirl at heart too!!! Love your content & ideas!! I'm always looking forward to the next video lol
1 year ago | 4
When did you actually make the decision to start your "townhouse" farm, and what inspired you to also start to video the journey?
1 year ago | 1
I don't have a question, but I am old enough to be your mom and I think that you are precious. I wish that I knew and did all that you do now when I was your age! You are a blessing🌷
1 year ago | 11
Are you going to Hoa next year? What new thing do you want to learn next year? When you get your dream homestead what animals do you want? Is there any food you don’t like?
1 year ago | 6
May be a video, but what "hand tools" what do you use in place of electric tools? Also, what books or other YouTube channels do you follow to learn? I enjoy your content so much.
1 year ago | 2
Oh, so many questions/ideas. I am so appreciative of all you do. I want you to realize that where you are at right now is perfect for so many of us. Please don't think that your information is any less valuable to us because you don't have the acreage! There are so many Homestead you tubers out there, but you give us options that they don't. Also, your videos are honest representations and don't just promote the pie in the sky parts. Also, I love the spacings of your you tubes. I don't want to miss anything, but I also don't have the time for daily content- you make things doable. So now for my brainstorming of questions with a few wishes of things I'd like to see. 1st wish: I would love an unedited, real slow (like teaching a second grader) real time video on how to cut up a chicken/turkey. so I could keep the screen running while I have turkey juice on my hands and don't have to press pause; 2) Why don't you ever use a paring knife (just wondering because if I had to pick 3 pre-convenience food era item that got used the most, they would be iron skillet, paring knife and wooden spoon) ; 3) During pantry challenges why doesn't anyone grow microgreens or bean sprouts; 4) How do you cut bones? (when I saw the bones you saved to use for bone meal and what I saved-huge difference. I could come up with so many more, but Christmas is coming and my family is coming home. Oh yes as many have suggested, if you had a cookbook, I would buy it, but no pressure. Oh I can't believe I almost forgot: I would love for a list of what you are planting in your Greenstalks. That way when you grab something from yours for a recipe I know I can have it too.
1 year ago (edited) | 1
I am starting a serious garden and want to do frugally. I cannot afford those towers. What is a good start to build on year to year? What veggies have a high return that will encourage new gardeners to continue and not lose momentum? I live in a dryish climate in central Texas. Thank you! Love you content, making fire cider. So strong hope I can drink it😂
1 year ago | 0
What made you become inspired to start your farming journey? What keeps you going? I love that you homestead from a townhome because I have a huge interest in homesteading from my HOA suburban home.
1 year ago | 0
How do you stay motivated and focused on juggling all that you do and still make time to film the good stuff 🤷🏽♀️? I absolutely love your content and I love they way you deliver it too, it's to the point, loaded with info. And not to mention all the hacks! I love it. 🙏🏾Please tell me 🤔 how
1 year ago | 23
Hello, you have a great channel and great energy! You have a broad range of tips and techniques it’s so interesting and motivating to try many you share. I really like when you go over items to stock up on for different months that’s so helpful! Question would be can you go over on how to get better at rotation so what you have gets used and not wasted or forgotten.
1 year ago | 1
Yes! Please keep the pantry chats - they are my favorite YouTube videos.
1 year ago | 4
I am going to do a garden next year for the first time. I’ve managed to grow a few things in the past (spring onions and flowers) but don’t know much beyond that. What resources helped you as you started your journey? If you could go back and give your self advice as you first got started being a farm girl what would that be?
1 year ago | 0
How do you overwinter your green stalks. I'm in NH and was planning on getting some. But I wanted to make sure I could keep the herbs safe in them through winter.
1 year ago | 0
Becoming a Farm Girl
1 year ago | [YT] | 562