Arjun Kapoor, Bhumi Pednekar, Jackky Bhagnani, and director Mudassar Aziz were injured when the ceiling collapsed during a Mere Husband Ki Biwi song shoot at Royal Palms, Mumbai. The collapse was caused by vibrations from the sound system, affecting several crew members. Ashok Dubey from the Federation of Western India Cine Employees raised safety concerns with local authorities. Choreographer Vijay Ganguly mentioned the ceiling fell in parts, preventing more serious injury.
Meanwhile, Arjun and Bhumi’s The Lady Killer faced production issues, earning only ₹8.6 lakh on its opening day despite a ₹8.45 crore budget. The film was quietly released on YouTube after a limited theatrical run.
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Arjun Kapoor, Bhumi Pednekar, Jackky Bhagnani, and director Mudassar Aziz were injured when the ceiling collapsed during a Mere Husband Ki Biwi song shoot at Royal Palms, Mumbai. The collapse was caused by vibrations from the sound system, affecting several crew members. Ashok Dubey from the Federation of Western India Cine Employees raised safety concerns with local authorities. Choreographer Vijay Ganguly mentioned the ceiling fell in parts, preventing more serious injury.
Meanwhile, Arjun and Bhumi’s The Lady Killer faced production issues, earning only ₹8.6 lakh on its opening day despite a ₹8.45 crore budget. The film was quietly released on YouTube after a limited theatrical run.
3 days ago | [YT] | 6