Today begins the first day of the Sonic Movie Hop event! Head on over to @MikeDarklighter to catch the first episode.
Our episode will upload tomorrow December 22nd followed by @RooweetheAnimator on the 23rd and @BalenaProductions on the 24th. @shadow759 episode is still in the works, but we will Let you know when it is ready!
Thank you all for joining us! Happy Holidays Sassnicks!
Sasso Studios - Sonic Animations
Hey there Sassnicks!
Today begins the first day of the Sonic Movie Hop event! Head on over to @MikeDarklighter to catch the first episode.
Our episode will upload tomorrow December 22nd followed by @RooweetheAnimator on the 23rd and @BalenaProductions on the 24th. @shadow759 episode is still in the works, but we will Let you know when it is ready!
Thank you all for joining us! Happy Holidays Sassnicks!
#SonicMovieHop #SonicCollabChaos
1 month ago | [YT] | 81