daniella viola

hey friends <3 no video this week as I'm still busy filming - spoiler alert, we're altering some clothes & thrift flipping! 

But as a HUGE THANK YOU for 2k subscribers (which I know may not seem like much but I'm so grateful I can't even explain), I wanted to give you guys a little something! 

Linked below is a phone wallpaper of one of my illustrations that I'm planning to eventually sell on my Etsy shop. But I thought I'd give you guys the chance to test it out!

I've only tested it on my own phone which is a mini so I'd love to know how it translates on bigger screens. 

Please feel free to comment any feedback or crit and let me know if this was easy to download.



P.S. Any feedback will help as I'm also planning to start a little membership system where members will get access to a monthly digital download (among other things) - but this is still very much in the planning and research phase :)

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 23