What's Going on With Shipping?

One of the departments that I work with at Campbell University is our Homeland Security. I offer a Maritime Security course and speak in the Critical Infrastructure Class.

The recent New Orleans & Las Vegas attacks highlight the fact that this remains relevant.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 196


My Alma Matter Embry-Riddle offered a Homeland Security degree. If you go for it, make sure you're in ROTC, plan to join the military, and or other law enforcement such as FBI, CIA, State Department, even local law enforcement as a detective

3 weeks ago | 3


KGB precursor. Good luck in the maze fellas.

3 weeks ago | 2


The first step to homeland security it to not attack other nations to create people who hate us. The second step is to have a society that is better balanced and fair. It is frustrated people who do terrible things.

3 weeks ago | 3


Crisis shipping 😂🤣. Team loony too

3 weeks ago | 1