Please encourage reading comprehension as well. Being able to read is great but if the comprehension is weak, as subjects become harder, children will experience more and more difficulty.
9 months ago | 8
OMG YES!!!! When you initially shared this I was so distraught because we couldn’t afford it but I prayed on it and had faith that when it’s meant it will be and LOOOOK!!! $200 OFF ALEEBAAAAAW!!!!!! Yes !!!!!!! About to purchase right now!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!! I will definitely be back with an update and will be sure to leave a review God bless 🤍🤍🤍🥰
9 months ago | 4
Are you willing to do a in person tutoring service 3 days a week for one hour and half at a public library for the discount price. Starting in June/July.
9 months ago (edited) | 2
@AkeebaMaze Don't see this as a business. See this as a calling. There my be some who cannot afford to pay anything, those are the children who you need to reach and for free. You are already blessed and better off than many. Please don't see it as a business and God almighty will make it grow as it should and the blessing will follow. ABBAH YAHUWAH ( Father God in hebrew) BLESS YOU IN YAHUSHUWA HA MASHIAC ( Jesus christ in hebrew) name.
9 months ago (edited) | 0
6 toys is too little children need a range so they can explore please seek mental help
8 months ago | 0
I will be taking full advantage of this course. I’ve reached out to many outlets and the price for an hour is just ridiculous. I would like the benefit of being able to learn how to effectively engage and communicate to my children that makes reading as fun for them as it was for me growing up. I’m a homeschool mom and this has proven to be my challenge. So thank you in advance 🤍
9 months ago | 0
Akeeba Maze
It is always such an honor to hear parents say their child’s reading has improved thanks to my videos or my courses. Truly though, you are the ones who are the heroes, taking charge of your child’s education, learning the new skill of phonics, and getting it done!
My goal this summer is to help teach 500 kids to read. Is that too big of a goal? I am setting special pricing of $200 off for this summer to see if we can reach it. If you or anyone, you know, wants some help teaching their child to read this summer, pass on the discount code SUMMER99 and join me using this link;
9 months ago | [YT] | 402