Historia Civilis
FOLKS,Just wanted to let you all know that I've enabled YouTube Memberships on the channel.This should basically work the same as Patreon. As soon as the next video is done, I'll be posting it on here for Early Access for Members.But just sayin'...YouTube takes a big chunk out of each Membership, so...it's slightly more efficient if you want to sign up on Patreon. Just sayin'. :)www.historiacivilis.com/memberswww.historiacivilis.com/patreon
2 years ago | [YT] | 5,339
Historia Civilis
Just wanted to let you all know that I've enabled YouTube Memberships on the channel.
This should basically work the same as Patreon. As soon as the next video is done, I'll be posting it on here for Early Access for Members.
But just sayin'...YouTube takes a big chunk out of each Membership, so...it's slightly more efficient if you want to sign up on Patreon. Just sayin'.
2 years ago | [YT] | 5,339