THANK YOU to all the viewers, and especially commenters on my videos. It's fantastic being able to collaborate and chat to everyone from every country in the world. So much ideas and advice that I get, as well.
I am working on the next video today, and hope to get it done. There's so much work to make the homestead/land stay afloat, that it sometimes crosses into video producing boundaries.
The Simple-Earth Survival Lab
THANK YOU to all the viewers, and especially commenters on my videos. It's fantastic being able to collaborate and chat to everyone from every country in the world. So much ideas and advice that I get, as well.
I am working on the next video today, and hope to get it done. There's so much work to make the homestead/land stay afloat, that it sometimes crosses into video producing boundaries.
Enjoy the weekend.
1 year ago | [YT] | 21