
PBCJ, the People’s Station, joins Jamaica in celebrating the contributions of Jamaicans receiving national honours and awards today, October 21, National Heroes Day.

We salute Mr. Jermaine Ricardo HURST who received the Badge of Honour for Gallantry, for his selflessness and compassion. He demonstrated exceptional courage and compassion in preventing a potential victim attempting suicide, thereby saving a life and inspiring hope in others facing similar struggles.

With no formal training in crisis management, social work or counselling, Hurst ‘talked down’ the woman for two hours and called the police without her knowledge. The Police arrived on the scene with medical personnel, the Jamaica Fire Brigade and a rescue boat – a full team of responders to save what could have been a very bad situation.

Jermaine Ricardo Hurst, son of Jamaica ... WE SALUTE YOU.

‪@suicideprevention9334‬ ‪@suicidewatchandwellnessfou5568‬ @ministryofhealthandwellness jamaica

3 months ago | [YT] | 23