Baba Yooba


One of the valuable lesson I learnt from my transitioned Oluwo.

“E ṣi dede ẹbun ri bẹbẹnawo mẹ mu gba.
Nọpọnọpọ igba, ẹbun mẹ mu di panpẹ rẹ ni" Says my Oluwo

He speaks to me only in Ijẹbu which is my default dialect.

“It is not every gift that a Babalawo receives. Many times, gifts are like traps. Don’t fall for it.”

That’s the translation.

So in the wake of my practice, knowing I will not be hidden away in one mud house, I ensured a financial stability by buying farmland for various crop plantings.

It was important for me to be able to feed myself and others because my lot is to speak the unspeakable and dismantle the superstitious aspect of African Spirituality.

I was aware of the hate and low patronage of my present life. But I just do not care.

Born into Islam.
Became a Pastor.

I have absorbed enough deceit and identity crisis in my lifetime.

This made me one of the craziest person to gift something to with the intention of controlling me.

I have a gift room in my house and a rule that guides it.

“All gifts must pass through the 6months caveat time before usage”.

In case the giver chose to be naughty, your gift would be handed back still wrapped in manufacturer’s brand.

There are some gifts I do not collect at all.

I have turned down a 5star hotel costing 200k per night before.

I have turned down an offer of free service as a personal assistant before.

I have turned down a gift of bullet proof car before.

Unexplainable monetary gifting from unknown sources has been reported to EFCC before.

And oh, many sexual advances that was not interesting to me too

It happened that all of those above are Trojan Horses meant to do their exact bidding of traps

I wonder how many well meaning visionary men and women have allowed a little fart mess up their future

It is true that it is not easy
But you see, try your best to resist

It is the first thing a Babalawo must have

You will have so much people coming to you, so much women flocking around, so many rich people wanting to court your favor.


Resistance will save you from disgrace.

And if you should fall, let it be minimal, understandable, and humane.

2 years ago | [YT] | 135