Bold of you to make this post after basically exploiting Faker's fame for money. And not just a small amount too, nah, it just had to go bigger than the last scummy scam of a recolored skin but at least you have the decency to add some actual changes to the more expensive one, not much but I guess it's an improvement on that account. Still though, shame on all the people who thought of this monetization method, it's just a straight up scam. You're telling me that I have to give away basically 3 or 4 months of salary (on minimum wage, almost 13 million vnd in total) in my region for a bunch of pretty pixels? With that much money, I expect to at least have an Ahri figurine signed by Faker himself ship straight to my room. This monetization method is predatory, it's inhumane and down right evil and should have never existed in the first place. Screw you. Sincerely, a random guy.
7 months ago | 109
Sorry, I can't afford the $500 price to support something Faker related :(
7 months ago | 130
Here in Brazil the skin costs 1400 in Brazilian money, and the minimum wage here is 1,412. We spend at least 700 of that money on food alone, not counting bills. In the end we end up with around 50, 150 left over for us to spend on leisure, which we could always buy some skins at the store, but now... Do you really think I'm going to stop eating just to get some clothes in a game? No middle class Brazilian would be crazy enough to pay this absurd amount for a skin, and the majority of Brazilians are middle class, huh.
7 months ago | 9
Just waiting for the overprice Ahri skin comments. 🍿 . . . Shame on you Riot, bt
7 months ago | 59
League of Legends is going down. Divided the split into 3 to lower the level of Solo Rank, which eliminated the fun and tension of the game. It wasn't a game that I won because I was good at, but because my opponent was bad at it. And it wasn't a game that I lost because I was bad at it, but a game that I lost because my teammates were bad at it. Winning games are too easy, losing games are too easy. Currently, League of Legends is going down. I need to reestablish Solo Rank. I deleted League of Legends today.
7 months ago | 0
I uninstalled league of legends last week and I've never been happier. Take your 500$ skin and shove it riot.
7 months ago | 32
Maybe decrease the price of the ahri skin then interact with the community again
7 months ago | 13
11 Years, 9 Highlights they are hinting something... or so it seems
7 months ago | 1
Y'all acting like riot is forcing you to buy the skin lmao. Acting like a bunch of kids.
7 months ago | 2
Only pro player that I know I started leagues 2002 getting into game 2003 fully playing the game. I don’t play anymore. Have been playing little more smite I just like the graphics and smite ultimates are awesome.
7 months ago | 0
Riot Games
11 years of greatness, 9 vibes.
7 months ago | [YT] | 764