I love all these designs. Slys broody colors, Murray's eyes and poker face, Bentley looks like he's about to shred my art portfolio, and I love the concept of Carmelita before she joins interpol
4 weeks ago | 1
These are actually pretty cool. Heck I JUST saw the new sly copper animation and it was very good. Like I wanna see you do a series on them. That would be very interesting, I don't mind if it's a rewrite/reimagining on the original games or something completely different. I'd still watch it.
3 weeks ago | 0
Murray’s not in his superhero attire because they haven’t beaten clock worth yet Matter of fact, ever since slyCooper two Murray had a superhero persona idea after they’ve beaten clockwork
4 weeks ago (edited) | 0
Thanks for the love on the new Sly animation! Some people were curious on the stand alone designs for them so here they are!
4 weeks ago | [YT] | 80