Best of all, the show comes out on September 2nd, the day Tolkien died. How convenient.
2 years ago | 107
I’m too scared to watch it honestly but no matter if it’s terrible or not it won’t be able to take away from the best movies of all time
2 years ago | 56
No matter what will emerge beyond that gate, you will stand your ground and stick to the trilogy!
2 years ago | 11
A lot have happened with the lord of the rings universe since Tolkiens death. Things that made me wish he was still alive to witness all the greatness that has been added. This isn’t one of those things
2 years ago | 31
Whether you like it or not, it's gonna give more teh lurd of teh rings content.
2 years ago | 22
I’m nervous too but I’m going to shred my bias as much as possible and give it the benefit of the doubt. I am a massive Tolkien fan.
2 years ago | 2
There is no other words, in elvish, entish or in the tongues of men to qualify this treachery
2 years ago | 8
What I hate more than any show or film is when people just assume something is gonna be terrible before it's even out. If you pre-emptively decide you're going to hate something, guess what? You're going to hate it. No matter how good it is. You ruin it for yourself by deciding beforehand how you're going to react to seeing it.
2 years ago | 0
One show to screw them all, one show to wreck them, one show to slander them all, and in the darkness break them.
2 years ago | 2
I have refused to stoop down to see this blasphemy, it will hopefully be forgotten soon
2 years ago | 3
Teh Lurd Of Teh Reings
It began with the forging of the great films. Threads were given by Tolkien, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Rights were granted to Jackson, great miner and craftsman of the mountain of lore. And nine, nine hours were gifted to the race of men, who above all else, desire quality. But they were all of them deceived, for another show was made. In the land of Amazon, in the fires of Mount Prime, the Dark Lord Bezos forged in secret a master flop. And into this show he poured his money, his greed and his will to dominate all film. One show to ruin them all.
2 years ago | [YT] | 868