Legendary Lore

Which philosophy does post-hypnotherapy Peter Gibbons of Office Space best embody?

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 97


I'll just pick one so I can pretend to be smart.

3 weeks ago | 12  


Either a lot of people didn't read that this is post hypnosis or they don't know philosophy lol

3 weeks ago | 7


The closest is probably Epicureanism. He simplifies and values his relationships (recentering around developing one with Jennifer Aniston and his other friends), ultimately deciding to forgo his high paying, high stress job for the pursuit of the good life. You could argue his roommate who wanted to do two chicks at the same time was a role model, and he was trying to find the Golden mean that leads to Eudemonia (Aristotle), but that's clumsier, and I don't see how he would be embodying the highest pleasure of contemplation, and his job as an intermediate good is put in jeopardy, which I don't think Aristotle would support.

3 weeks ago | 4


So after reading about the movie and it's themes, my guess is that the character is most likely a Cynic (or at the very least would like to be a Cynic). The fact that the most famous scene in the movie is three men destroying a malfunctioning printer in the style of a gangland murder speaks volumes to affirm that Diogenes was right and man has successfully overcomplicated life.

3 weeks ago | 5  



3 weeks ago | 7  


Stoicism? Stoicism requires virtue. He def ain’t close to stoicism.

3 weeks ago | 4


Cynicism, he takes a big step toward Diogenes.

3 weeks ago | 1



3 weeks ago | 3


I don’t see cynicism as he tries to defraud his company. Cynics rejected money and possession for freedom which is the opposite of trying to defraud someone for financial gain.

3 weeks ago | 3  



3 weeks ago | 3  


The correct answer is stoicism.

3 weeks ago | 1


He is definitely a cynic but he also has a touch of nihilism as well.

3 weeks ago | 0  



2 weeks ago | 0


He changes throughout if you watch carefully ;)

3 weeks ago | 0



3 weeks ago | 0



3 weeks ago | 1



3 weeks ago | 0  


....I don't know...

2 weeks ago | 0


Don’t all of those philosophies preach some degree of personal integrity (even Cynicism). Therefore doesn’t the whole “stealing money” thing cause some issues… Although it’s been about 15 years since I watched so “post hypnotherapy” character might be relevant 🫣

3 weeks ago (edited) | 0