Olive Dreams

When I was 14, I wrote my first paper on the illegal annexation and settler colonialism within Palestine. I studied International Relations at university, and time and time again, I learned how the world turns a blind eye to genocide, slavery, and the pillaging of native lands. I read article after article about how Israel's actions are in clear violation of international law and all human rights accords. The indisputable fact is that we are witnessing a genocide taking place right before our eyes, in real-time. A caged and imprisoned population of 2.2 million people, half of whom are children, and the majority of whom are under 18, have been cut off from water, electricity, food, and are being bombed with more bombs in a tiny strip of land than were used in the entirety of the Afghan war, which lasted decades. There is no possible justification for these acts; there is no logic or rational basis that can be used. If you stand for this, you will be looked at as being on the wrong side of history. Gaza is a concentration camp.

Anyone standing by this would have condemned the Moroccan Resistance when they tried to free themselves from French invasion. To not support Palestine means you believe South Africa should have always remained under apartheid, and white settlers had every right to usurp the natives' land and their every single right. It means you would have deemed Nelson Mandela to be a terrorist who deserved to be tortured in prison. These are the same people who would justify white settler colonialism and the robbery within the subcontinent of India. Where do you stand? I fear the consequences of indifference and silence. "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Just look, do your research; it's all there, substantiated by facts.

There has been so much propaganda about beheaded children and raped women by Israel, all of which have been refuted by the US government and the same news outlets that reported these claims in the first place, retracted their statements because it was all false. Now, look at Gaza, look at the images and videos flooding out from their besieged land: children in rows, wounded, lifeless, clinging to bloody toys. I saw something today that broke my heart, and I will never be the same again: a child beheaded, being held up to the cameras by her father. Where is the humanity? Where is the shame of the people who watch on the sidelines, as though their lives mean less because of where Palestinians were born? Speak up. What will you say to people 50 years from now when this genocide is written in history books, and your children wonder how something like this could have happened, why people were silent, and how humanity allowed itself to be so weak and morally bankrupt? Free Palestine 🇵🇸

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 8