Vanessa Nicole Jewels

Starting my YouTube channel over 13 years ago has been an incredible journey. While view counts were tempting to focus on at first, I've learned that quality connections with viewers lead to the most powerful results.

The only reason I started on YouTube was because some Jewelers didn't believe I was the one setting the diamonds on rings. (I had been trying to secure more wholesale accounts by showing my portfolio of images.)

So in November 2010, I set up a camera and pressed record.

My business changed forever. πŸ’₯

Many subscribers have become amazing clients and friends over the years. Building relationships and being asked to create their meaningful, symbolic ring has been the most rewarding part.

And it's always funny when internet trolls make an appearance in the comment section. My favorite one so far: "I've seen better hands on clocks!" πŸ•°οΈ

LOL. (He's not entirely wrong, I do have workerbee hands ☺️)

Of course, it hasn't always been easy. Finding time for regular content creation on top of running a business and nurturing my family is a constant challenge.

I'm finally swapping out the channel trailer today with a new one since I was 10 years younger in the last one (ha!).

Figured I would share it here since anytime someone asks what I do, well... It's this. πŸ™‚

For anyone considering starting a YouTube channel, my advice is to stay patient, provide value to your audience, and focus on quality over analytics. It takes time to build trust and credibility.

I'm sincerely grateful for the mentors and clients who have supported me along the way. I still have so much to learn. It's easy to get bogged down by what the Algorithm wants, but in the end, it really is just about pressing Record and sharing what you do with the world.

My hope is that my experience can inspire others to start nurturing their own communities centered on what brings them joy.

With consistency and patience to continue kindling the creative flame of excitement, you CAN create the business of your dreams. Wishing you tremendous growth and meaningful connections! ✨

1 year ago | [YT] | 3