Kelly Alayna

As I sit here on my back deck listening to the birds, I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. I am so thankful that God loved me enough to send His Son to die, so that we may truly LIVE. May I never take that for granted.

April will make a year that I was thrown into a new season of self discovery and closer relationship with the Lord. My self confidence had started to plunge and I had accepted that as who I was. Instead of thinking “this is what God wants”, I started thinking, “this is what “they” would want”. Looking back, I started a trend of holding back in an unhealthy way NOT EVEN realizing it at the time. But Our God is bigger than the “theys”. He gave us all a purpose, a hope and a future and who dictates the outcome of that? He does, but we have to step out in faith and trust Him…even when we can’t see what’s ahead. Even if it is not how we envisioned our life. That’s HARD.

This journey of “finding my voice” has NOT come easy. It has actually been really hard, putting aside my perfectionist nature and just letting God do with it what He wants to do. Although I hear many imperfections, God uses them ALL. Let that be hope for you….if God put something on your heart and you’re waiting for it to be perfect, it will never see the light of day. Release it and let God use it.

I am so thankful for new relationships that I have made this year with talented people in the music industry who truly have a heart in seeing my God given visions come to life. I am thankful for all of YOU who choose to follow along this journey with me by liking, commenting, and sharing the posts I make and the music I release. I’m extremely grateful to the radio stations who take a chance on this independent artist and who choose to air my music to help it reach more people. 💜 I’m thankful for my circle who have shown up for me and encouraged me when they knew I needed it…. Friends that I turn to for advice, to help contribute to a song project, or to just listen to my frustrations at any given moment. I am forever grateful to have you in my life.

My family mean the world to me and I have even watched my husband grown in his self confidence. I’m so thankful for the role he has taken within my music ministry and how he encourages and grounds me daily. My kids are learning more each day about what it means to truly let God lead.

So all of this to say…thank you. Have a blessed Easter weekend. 💜

6 months ago | [YT] | 9