Dawg, read audiobooks if you can. Cheaper and easier access. It’s like an hour long read, listen in the car, listen while you eat, listen while you cook, listen during break.
2 years ago | 7
Yesnt, I've listened to it at least twice, I am willing to read it to gain a much better understanding instead of just listening to it. I will state that it is an interesting thing to listen to, and I will urge people to recommend this literature as a introduction to Marx's standpoint on the ideaolgy that he forefathers.
2 years ago | 0
The manifesto is literally just a pamphlet. Read Capital + Engels + Stalin + Mao + Deng
2 years ago | 1
I read the Manifesto not because I care about it, but because I wanted to be able to say that I have read it. Didn't just skim the pages, either. Only took me a few hours, and I have yet to know if it was a waste of time or not.
2 years ago | 0
Reading the Manifesto now actually. I don’t support Communism and such but I do think it is important to research history and learn from past mistakes be it your own or that of the world.
2 years ago | 3
Bro is Communism cool ? like i own nothing kinda sucks is there any limit to it
2 years ago (edited) | 1
Have You Read The Communist Manifesto Or any Other Communist Literature
2 years ago | [YT] | 36