I don't know but I know for sure it ain't none of those ones
2 weeks ago | 62
Soundtrack? Not Score? I could listen to the Guardians Mixtape for a very long time.
2 weeks ago | 7
I'm with all the people saying LotR. Out of the three I haven't decided which one has the best music, but I'm leaning towards return of the king.
2 weeks ago | 2
Blues brothers, oh brother where art thou, hell or high water, the cats meow, the bodyguard
2 weeks ago | 5
Soundtrack or original score? Because it’s Star Wars or LOTR if it’s score. Guardians has the best soundtracks by miles on this list. Lion King has the best original score
2 weeks ago | 2
I have to choose Gaurdians,I grew up singing these, buying the albums & going to these concerts etc.lol Avengers is good too 👌. ❤️ love to LOTR
2 weeks ago | 0
LADbible Entertainment
What movie has the best soundtrack of all time? 💿
2 weeks ago | [YT] | 202