You stayed. You put up with every little thing. Even when you weren't in love. Even when you were hurt. Even when people were noticing the changes in you, and you pushed them away. You still woke up every morning, made the bed, got dressed, made food, and held everything together. You fed the cats and cleaned every inch of the room. Took care of a person who was dishonest and hurtful. You stayed. 8 months longer than you should have. And I am so, so proud of you.
Raising Rebornz
To the old me...
You stayed. You put up with every little thing. Even when you weren't in love. Even when you were hurt. Even when people were noticing the changes in you, and you pushed them away. You still woke up every morning, made the bed, got dressed, made food, and held everything together. You fed the cats and cleaned every inch of the room. Took care of a person who was dishonest and hurtful. You stayed. 8 months longer than you should have. And I am so, so proud of you.
4 months ago | [YT] | 2