Double Negative

Hey again, everyone. I had hoped to wait on this reveal until after the next TES Lore video goes up, but that's still a little ways off, and the cat's about to be let out of the bag. I figured you'd appreciate seeing it here first.

About a year ago, I started volunteering some of my time to a little project you may have heard of. I've taken on various roles including video-making, but my contributions mostly pertain to writing, editing, documentation, and organization of lore. Much like what you've seen me do in my videos, but on an original creation and much, much larger in scope.

I have joined the team at ‪@OnceLostGames‬, and have been working with them for the past year in helping develop the world for The Wayward Realms.

You read that right. I'm no longer just a presenter of lore on YouTube; I am a writer, editor, and keeper of lore for a massive project, one that aims to be the spiritual successor of games like Daggerfall. It's been incredibly gratifying to work as a part of OnceLost's incredibly talented writing team, developing and refining ideas that are going to be an actual part of a game world. I've even written a lore book or two, with more yet to come.

Does this mean I'll be featuring more Wayward Realms content on the channel? Honestly, that remains to be seen. If there's sufficient demand for it, anything is possible. That's the most I can say right now.

If you have any other questions about the part I'm playing in the project, I'd be happy to answer them here.

Thanks, everybody, for helping to make this channel what it is. It's not a lot in itself, but it's fair to say that were it not for my TES Lore series getting the viewership it has, then this opportunity would never have presented itself. I owe you all at least a little something for that.

So, here's a little tease for the upcoming video. Get hyped, cause it's a big one, and a long time coming.

2 years ago | [YT] | 104